ABCs of the School

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ABCs of the School

ABCs of the School

  • Attend the school in proper, smart and neat uniform
  • Be in school five minutes before the first bell.
  • Concern for personal, school and national property.
  • Due respect will be shown to prefects and class monitors on duty.
  • Enter the school with great desire to learn.
  • Foster positive attitude.
  • Greet your teacher with respect.
  • Help each other to have a sense of vision.
  • Instill the habit of reading newspaper.
  • Judge others by their manners and not by their looks.
  • Keep the books neat and tidy.
  • Liberal approach – tolerant and open minded.
  • Maintain cleanliness and throw papers in the dustbin.
  • Never tell lies whatever may be the cause.
  • Obey the rules and regulations of the school.
  • Please, sorry, and thank you are good manners to be used in our talk.
  • Queue up while moving through the corridors during school hours and dispersal.
  • Resort to unfair means during examinations is out of our dignity.
  • Speak only English in the school campus and the school bus.
  • Take part in all co-curricular activities.
  • Universal brotherhood and service to mankind are our feelings.
  • Value the time, as it does not wait for anybody.
  • Wearing the school uniform is our self esteem.
  • X-ray the weakness and find solutions.
  • You will succeed if you try hard.
  • Zenith is the ultimate achievement.